Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Cooking - A Lifelong Adventure

My mom is a huge inspiration for me. When I got married in 2009, I already knew how to cook. I don't mean pull out a recipe and make it. I mean, look in the refrigerator and pull something out and cook it. How did I learn how to cook? My mom.

Growing up, I remember her just going into the kitchen and cooking. For baking or other complicated meals, she would use a recipe. For most meals, however, she would just go in and cook. Since I was home schooled, I learned by watching. I didn't realize it then, but she was teaching me so much.

My dear husband is not much of a cook. He's getting better though, and his breakfasts are pretty fantastic. He still asks some questions when helping me out in the kitchen that have me giggling to myself. Then I realized that for someone who NEVER cooked at home as a child, this is all a huge mystery to them. He has 5 younger sisters, so the kitchen was a war-zone. He never ventured in there unless absolutely necessary. As a result, techniques that I consider basic are completely new to him.

Our son K is almost 3 now, and I already have him helping me in the kitchen. His favorite job is scrambling eggs. A chef friend suggested french toast next. K loves to stand on the stool next to me and cook. He will stir just about anything in those scrambled eggs if I don't watch him closely enough. I sometimes struggle to find the time to really engage him with helping in the kitchen (especially now that he has a little sister), but I am working to make this time together cooking more regular. Maybe K will grow up with a better working knowledge of the kitchen than my husband. At least, I hope that when he gets married, he can navigate the kitchen enough to make himself a meal and avoid relying on fast food and canned soups.

Since a lot of what I do in the kitchen doesn't use a recipe, I thought I should start writing it down and sharing it. I hope to share some of my favorite recipes with you soon.

Thanks for joining me on this long, often-times messy adventure.

~Sarah Liz

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